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5 Tips for Choosing Your Wedding Vendors

You have the ring, you have your date, now its time to choose all those vendors that will make your special day a memorable one. Here are a few tips that may help weave through the maze of a seemingly endless possibility of vendor selections:

1: Referrals

Perhaps the most comforting solution, the referral from friends and family. Ideally, a referral should be from someone who hired the vendor for their wedding as opposed to the friend-of-a-friend referral. A referral can provide you with so much information and when a referral comes from friend or family, you are unlimited in your questions about style, attitude, value and quality.

2: First Impressions

First impressions go a long way with many important decisions and are equally important with choosing your wedding vendors. Were your inquiry's, emails and calls answered promptly, professionally and to your satisfaction? Did you have a generally "good" feeling after communications? Did you have any red flags pop up? Review these questions to see how your first impression was.

3: Your Budget

Probably the biggest key in vendor selection..Your budget. Researching the value of the service is one step towards setting your budget for each vendors service. Setting a realistic target budget for each service is crucial for keeping your total budget in check. Websites like and provide great survey results for average vendor costs in your area which offers a great starting point to setting budget goals. Remember, with each $100 over spent on one service could mean $100 over budget on another.

4: Team Player

Hiring a team of vendors is a lot like building a house. We would never have the rug installed before putting the roof on would we? Finding vendors who work well with others is another important quality and can easily be asked with "as my videographer, will you work together with my photographer to achieve the best shots?".

5: Reviews

Third party reviews (such as those found on and are an absolute must when finalizing your final list of vendor selections. Once you find a vendor you are interested in, search for them on these websites and check reviews. A strong rating with many recent reviews is a good indication of a genuine review from recent clients.

Final Words:

Selecting vendors can be time consuming and overwhelming but that doesn't mean you cant have fun. Ask your friends, go with your feelings, ask questions and check reviews.

Darryn Carroll

Norwood, MA

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